Thursday, 19 May 2016

15 French Wine Producers

15 French Wine Producers in Montreal
Wine Tasting Day

May 18, 2016

The event was organized by the Club CIC International located in Lyon,France, and its Montreal-based bureau. Club CIC International is a training-trade organization that offers year-round seminars and contacts to promote French businesses and producers at the international level. The wine tasting was held at the Montreal's OMNI Hotel.

The event began with the seminar where 15 wines by 15 different French wine producers were introduced one by one to the Quebec wine professionals and distributors present at the seminar. A wine growling region of each wine  was identified on the map by the conferancier, and the specific geographical and soil conditions were explained. Then the wine producer introduced his or hers specific wine to be tasted. All the nuances of the wine's bouquet were pointed out and explained.

Many of the wines offered at this tasting session were one of the kind, with a small number of yearly bottle production. Some growers specifically stated that their wines were haute gamme (high end). Quite a few had an organic certification, and a few more were already using the organic practices but have not yet obtained the formal organic certification. At the end of the seminar, all producers posed for a photo.

After the seminar there was food.

Later, the tables were set where all different wines of each producer were displayed to many local wine distributors, store owners, and wine professionals who were able to directly interact with each wine grower, ask questions, and make deals.

Click on images to enlarge them.

Below are more images from the event with wines of French wine producers at the event.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Riesling & Co. 2016

 Riesling & Co. 2016
German Wines Institute

May 17, 2016

The German Wine Institute in collaboration with German Wine Canada held its annual professional wine tasting at the Galerie Lounge TD (Maison du Festival). This event also represented a Montreal stop of the 31 day across Canada tour of German Riesling Wine.

The event started with an in-depth seminar on German Riesling wines, held over lunch time, and hosted by Ulrike Lenhardt from the Deutsches Weininstitut. Ten wines, the bottles of which are shown in the photo at the top of the article, were tasted. A four course meal was served to discover the perfect marriage of wines and food. The seminar provided a trove of information about which wines came from which regions in Germany, and even elaborated on soil composition and specific whether pasterns of various Germany's wine growing regions.

Overall, 23 German wine distributors and producers participated in this German wine tasting event. Their booth and displays welcomed many industry professional, local wine connoisseurs, wine promoters, and retail store wine buyers.

There was also plenty of food from the local Quebec producers to make the tasting event even more enjoyable.

Click on images to enlarge them.

For more information on German wine and the Canada-wide Riesling 31 day tour visit the following websites:

German Wines Institute

German Wine Canada

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Greek Wines 2016

Greek Wines Tasting Event
May 11, 2015

Under the logo Eternally Modern, The New Greek Wines were presented today to the Canadian wine professionals at the Science Centre's largest hall in the Old Port of Montreal. The great many Greek wines is not generally known but they are definitely to be discovered by the wine lowers and general public.

47 Greek wine producers and distributors were presenting several different wines each, including the bubbly, white, red, naturally fermented or organic, and even the sweet Muscat wines. One had to choose and decide carefully to which vintages to direct one's attention since it was humanly impossible to taste them all.

The place was buzzing with people and the wine tasting activity, which required a lot of concentration.

The more relaxed part of the event was just to watch how the wine was being poured into wine glasses, and to eat the food that was offered at the event with the famous Greek hospitality and generosity.

The event was certainly a great success as many personal contacts as well as the new Greek wines distribution arrangements within Quebec and Canada were discussed and forwarded.

Click on images to enlarge them.
To learn more more about the New Wines of Greece, visit their official website.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Languedoc and Roussillon Wines

Languedoc and Roussillon Wines Tasting
May 10, 2016

The Conseil International des Vins de Languedoc and the the Conseil International des Vins de Roussillon held today a joined wine testing from their regions in Montreal, at Le Windsor. 39 wine distributors and producers were displaying a great number of vintages of white, red and bubbly wines.

The event enjoyed a great attendance by the wine professionals from the Montreal region, as well as some international wine buyers and promoters. 

A table with the local food products was also offered to all to taste.

The event succeeded to heighten the interest of all those who attended in the wines produced in the Languedoc and Roussillon regions of France.

To discover more about the Languedoc and Roussillon wines, visit the fallowing websites:

Le Conseil international des vins de Languedoc
Languedoc wines

Le Conseil international des vins de Roussillon
Roussillon wines

Click on images to enlarge them.