Saturday, 4 May 2019

CHFA 2019 - Quebec

Canadian Health Food Association Montreal Trade Show

May 3 - 5, 2019

Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) is the largest Canadian Health Food Association and the largest trade association dedicated to natural health and organic products that directly supports the best healthy eating and living practices.

CHFA created this dynamic event just for Quebec retailers. In addition to the opportunity to meet with more than 300 exhibiting companies, it offers plenty of opportunities to expand business networks and at the same time greatly enjoying the social setting of the show. 

The exhibitors at the show are leading Canadian and US suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and brokers of natural health products and organic products.

And their products attest to the excellence of their endevours. The food items at the show are a delight to taste and to discover. They and their packaging is also very appealing visually.

The body care products were also very well represented at the show and were especially oof gret interest to the female attendees. 

This excellent event enjoys a great attendance and a vivid interest in the products on display. The attendees are given many samples, their questions are answered, and the contact information is exchanged. The deals are discussed, and ultimately the Quebec consumers will be the direct benefactor of the business exchanges that take place at the show.

Click on images to enlarge them.

For more information, visit the CHFA website.