Friday, 30 January 2015

Slow Wine Montreal 2015

Le Salon des Vins Natures

4th Edition: Salon of Slow Food

The tasting of the organic wine, known as the Slow Wine Salon, will take place in Montreal, at the Bonsecours Market, on February 4, 2015, between 18:00 - 21:00. 

The Slow Wine 2015 is on its North American tour, and this is its Montreal stop. This event will be represented by 35 Italian wine producers, as well as 35 Quebec agencies and wine producers. In total, there will be 125 natural, organic, and bio-dynamic wines to taste. In addition, 5 artisan food producers will also participate in this show.

At the same time, there will take place a launch of the Slow Wine 2015 guide.

For more information, visit the Slow Wine 2015 website.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Half Your Plate Launch

Today, The Canadian Produce Marketing Association and its partners announced and also celebrated the Quebec launch of Half Your Plate program for consumers.

Rather than to have people to count servings, this program simply states that in order to be healthy and maintain vigour and well-being, half of a plate should be filled with the fruits and vegetables. This makes it very simple for people to remember what proportions of fresh produces should be included with every meal.

Although Canadians are becoming more conscious of what they eat, the study shows that they only consume 3.5 - 4.5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day instead of 7 - 10 servings recommended by Canada's Food Guide. The Half Your Plate program offers a visual alternative to Canadians instead of counting the servings. This facilitates the planning of the meals and and the serving of the healthy food,

The event took place at a Montreal's Metro Plus store on Notre-Dame street.

To better acquaint yourself with the Half Your Plate program and to learn new health recipes, visit the program's website.